Thursday, September 12, 2019

Flow Chart Week 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Flow Chart Week 1 - Essay Example An incorrect process may lead to waste of considerable amount of time for any organization and hence less profit. This paper will select a process â€Å"Get out of bed and get ready for work† that I do every day except for holiday but would like to spend less time doing and will design a flowchart using an appropriate tool. Further, this paper will list the factors that affect the process design and identify one metric that I will use to measure the process. The flowchart design for the process will help to identify the amount of time consumed for various factors that can be minimized, at the same time making the overall process more efficient. The process selected is â€Å"Get out of bed and get ready for work† that I do every day except for holidays. This entire process consists of many steps (or processes) such as get out of bed, got to bathroom, dress up and take breakfast. A flowchart is a good way to start analyzing a process showing the basic elements of a process (typically tasks, flows, and storage areas). In a flowchart, tasks are shown as rectangles, flows as arrows, and the storage of goods or other items as inverted triangles (Chase et al., 2006). Figure 1 shows the flowchart of the selected process created by EDraw. The one metric that will be used to measure the process is time. Every step of the process takes some amount of time. Entire time for the process can be broken down by each activity to know which activity takes how much time. This will help us to remove some activity in case of hurry. Table 1 shows the time taken for completion of the process for the first

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