Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Perception of Homosexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

The Perception of Homosexuality - Essay Example Almost every person feels sexual attraction towards people of the same gender, though some feel it more while others feel it too less to give it any consideration. But people that say that they never felt sexual attraction in the people of their gender ever in their life lie. Knowing this, God has forbidden men to show their private parts to men. Likewise, God has forbidden women to show their private parts to women unless it is inevitable e.g. for medical reasons. The biggest and the most powerful example of the homosexual orientation of human beings is that the people of the Prophet Lut (P.B.U.H.) were involved in homosexuality (â€Å"The People of Lut†). From the viewpoint of the present trend, there should have been only a few people to feel sexual attraction towards people of their gender. But the fact that everybody was involved in homosexuality means it was a culture there, and people had chosen to be gays. This challenges the rationale put forth by the gays that they a re different people sexually, so they should be allowed to enter into gay marriages.

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