Saturday, November 2, 2019

Arbitration Opinion & Award Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Arbitration Opinion & Award - Essay Example Davis claims that Kevin refused to follow the orders that were given to her by her supervisor. At the same time he neglected the patient who was uncomfortable on the ground. He chose to go at home violating the mission of the hospital of proving care. The union claimed that Kevin suffered from back pain and that he could not carry the patient. His representative Whitehead claimed that the patient was obese that he could jeopardize Kevin’s health. According to the labor Agreement employees are not supposed to perform unsafe work. The union claims that Kevin was given an ultimatum by her supervisor. This made Kevin to choose to go home rather than causing the problem to himself and to the patient .His problem was know by the supervisors and some co workers. According to the witness Martinez and Barber who Kevin’s co worker claims that Kevin usually has a problem with her back. This is emphasized by Him of whom he claims to have gotten injured through an accident during skiing 9 years ago. However this remains in question because of the following reasons; I. There was no documentation of the alleged back pain according to Martinez. Though Kevin was known by Martinez and Barber and other workers to be having a back pain, this claim could not be proved. He oftenly had some informal request for assistance of which the manager was not aware of. It is therefore normal for any human being to assume that this was a lie since there was no any documentation to prove the illness. II. Richard claims that there is a department in the hospital for employees to report their health problems so that they can be accommodated with their problem. Kevin was aware of the department yet he did not seek help. This shows some elements of being fishy. III. According to Richard, Kevin did not notify the HR of his condition and that he did not provide any documentation and therefore did not follow the appropriate process.Ordinrily, any man with a

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