Monday, February 17, 2020

Tuition assistance in the work place and its effects on retention Coursework

Tuition assistance in the work place and its effects on retention - Coursework Example The employers’ acts intends at enhancing employees’ loyalty and retention or longevity given that the employee continually expands their knowledge and skills while working. In my proposal of Tuition assistance in the work place and its effects on retention, I identified numerous factors that make tuition assistance programs by employers extremely effective. As an employer, ensure that there exists an educational assistance program in one organization, align the company goals and employees’ goals, define a strategic plan around the program, utilize online colleges and universities, and regularly keep track of success measurements for the tuition assistance program. Extremely effective tuition assistance could save a firm much money especially by regulating tuition to low cost college course providers and ensuring that all employees’ educational needs align with the company interests (Flaherty, 2007). Besides saving money, the firm could also reduce employees’ turnover rates given that educated employees better understand their responsibilities, have greater job satisfaction, and opt to remain with the company

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